Soul Care

Soul Care for the Spiritual Journey

Cultivating Practices for these Tumultuous Times

Sessions run on 8 Thursdays – 6:30 – 8 pm ET on Zoom
Beginning on September 19 and will begin on time

Join us and tell your friends!


Series and Session Registrations

A donation of $100 for the series or $25/session is requested or enter your donation amount. Please know that all are welcome!

To register: Click below, on the name of the session you are interested in and you will be taken to that session page to register. You will also be able to register for the entire SERIES from whatever page you choose. Once your registration is complete you will receive a confirmation email with the Zoom link for the session. The Zoom link can be used for all sessions.
Each session will be recorded.

Agenda for Sessions and Series – Click on Blue Link for Individual Session and Series Registration

September 19   Invitation to the Soul Care Journey
September 26   Meditation: Discovering and Exploring Stillness
October 3          Soothing the Body Energy
October 10        Journey into the Awakened Heart
October 17        Living in Harmony with Nature
October 24        Sacred Conversations – Active Listening
October 31        No Session
November 7      Nurturing Beloved Community
November 14    Choosing Your Path Forward

We are looking forward to sharing inner practices with you!
Please join us on Zoom so we can come together in community, caring and light.

Soul Care Presenters