
We are a not-for profit Interspiritual Life Center working at the intersection of spirituality, education and social justice. We are dedicated to the universal call to love and heal ourselves, our communities and our planet.

We are a center where your spiritual journey and growth are inspired, supported and encouraged through a wide variety of educational opportunities and meaningful experiences including workshops, retreats, pilgrimages, wellness circles, yoga, books circles, meditation groups (to name a few) – all aimed at deepening our life journeys.

Our Mission

To inspire, support and accompany those on a journey toward a more compassionate, peaceful, and just world.

Our Core Values as Spiritual Practices

Interspirituality: It is critical for the peaceful evolution of humanity that we find, claim and experience the beauty and the common ground that exists among wisdom traditions, world religions and ancient spiritual paths.

Interconnectedness: We are all pilgrims on this journey of life living in sacred relationship with self, others, and the natural world, and share the responsibility of practicing deep nonviolence to all.

Reverence: We humbly acknowledge all of life is a gift that awakens in us a sense of wonder and awe to which we respond with respect, gratitude, and an active commitment to being love in the world.

Transformation: In all circumstances we have the power and the choice to engage in the healing cycle of change and renewal that promises to lift humanity toward healing and wholeness.

Inner Work and Outer Action: The spiritual life requires an ongoing commitment to conscious and contemplative self-knowledge and compassionate action and service, which calls us to authentically participate in the evolution of peace and justice.


As an intergenerational, interspiritual organization, the Center for the Spiritual Journey formed in response to the void we experienced in how traditional religious and educational institutions are neglecting to meet the spiritual needs of our community on Cape Cod within the contemporary global world.

We found people were hungry for an inclusive and nourishing place to gather, to grieve and process their experience in community.  We witnessed members of the younger generation seeking mentorship and meaningful relationships with elders where courageous conversations and questions are welcomed, and where wisdom and life experiences can be shared. We discovered a longing for holistic educational and personal growth opportunities among all stages and ages of life.

We experienced members of our community professing their desire to share their tremendous gifts and skills for healing and transformative work, but who lacked a place in which they could openly and freely offer their teaching.  So in late summer 2013 we opened our doors as a community gathering space and book store and gift shop located in the heart of Cape Cod. In 2016 we became a 501(c)(3) non profit organization.