
Kirtan Sunday, September 24 6:00-7:00pm Cost is $20 in advance, $25 at the door. KIRTAN is an ancient tradition of call and response chanting of sacred sanskrit mantras. Brought to you by Tina Gurupashna on lead vocals and harmonium, Beth Ellicott on vocals and percussion and Sunita Aggarwal as lead responder. Fill out my LGL […]

The History and Wisdom of the Labyrinth

Program fee: $25 You are invited to learn more about the beautiful, circular, artistic designs called ‘labyrinths’ that have been part of our evolving consciousness for thousands of years. A labyrinth is a meditative walk that winds its way to the center and back out again. With its twists and turns, it is often thought […]


The Center for the Spiritual Journey invites the community to gather for a guided walk of Giving Thanks.  Please bring non-perishable food to place on the path as you walk. Our goal is to line the entire path with food which will then be shared with the larger community through the local Food Bank. This […]

Monday Morning Book Circle

Center for the Spiritual Journey 880 Main St, Chatham, MA, United States

with Anne Bonney and Dawn Tolley Perhaps you too have felt the shock, the horror and the pain of what is happening in the Middle East, and throughout the world.  In light of the suffering and darkness in our world right now, Valerie Kaur offers us this.. “To all of us witnessing this story: what does […]